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Palgo Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 2(4) pp. 90 - 101, October, 2015.

Copyright © 2015 Palgo Journals  ISSN 2476-8359






Tamiru Sisay Misganaw


Department of  Development and Environmental Management Studies, University of Gondar, Ethiopia.


Authors E-mail: sisymis@yahoo.com


Accepted 27 October, 2015


Global Forests cover 29% of the total earth surface providing vital ecosystem services. It store 50% of the released carbon and home of much of the biodiversity. Forest resources are providing local communities with provisioning services: fuel, medicine, food and   others. But all these ecosystem values are diminished as the result of deforestation. Major problems of deforestation that inflicts are water and soil resources loss, biodiversity loss, economic loss and social injustice and climate change that emanates global warming, ecosystems degradation, sea level rise, spread of diseases, failure of agricultural activities, etc; generally it triggers the loss of key ecosystem services. This review is to demonstrate the overall global deforestation level and its causes while parallely show the remedy mechanisms. The direct causes of deforestation are expansion of farm land, logging and fuel wood, overgrazing, forest fires, mining, urbanization, industrialization and infrastructure, etc. The indirect causes of deforestation are resource colonialism, over exploitation, overpopulation and poverty, land rights and inequitable land distribution, corruption and poor central planning and lack of political will are majors. All these drawbacks of forest resources can be handled by participatory community based forest conservation   mechanisms   with   respect   to    protecting    livelihoods   and     developing    alternative    livelihoods. 

 Key words: deforestation, forest resources, conservation, restoration, climate change.

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October 2015 Vol. 2(4)


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