Author’s Guide for Palgojournals


Palgojournals is an online academic publication journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles, reviews, and case studies in various fields. This author’s guide outlines the guidelines and requirements for submitting manuscripts to our journal.

Manuscript Preparation

General Guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise language and should not exceed 8,000 words (including abstract, references, and appendices).
  • The manuscript should be divided into sections, including title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices.
  • Use a standard font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman) with a font size of 10 points.

Title Page

  • The title page should include the title of the manuscript, authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information.
  • The title should be concise and informative, and should not exceed 15 words.


  • The abstract should provide a brief summary of the manuscript, including the research question, methodology, main findings, and conclusions.
  • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.


  • References should be cited in the text using the author-date system (e.g., Smith, 2020).
  • The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by author’s last name.
  • Examples of reference styles are provided below:

Reference Examples

  • Journal Article
Verify Open In Editor Edi tCopy code1Author, A. A. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx
2Example: Smith, J. (2020). The impact of climate change on agriculture. Journal of Environmental Studies, 10(2), 12-20. doi:10.1016/j.jes.2020.02.001
  • Book
VerifyOpen In EditorEditCopy code1Author, A. A. (Year). Book title. Publisher.
2Example: Johnson, K. (2019). Research Methods in Psychology. Routledge.
  • Conference Proceedings
VerifyOpen In EditorEditCopy code1Author, A. A. (Year). Paper title. Proceedings of the Conference Title, pp.-pp.
2Example: Lee, S. (2020). The role of AI in education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 10-15.
  • Thesis or Dissertation
Verify Open In Editor Edit Copy code 1Author, A. A. (Year). Thesis or dissertation title. University Name.
2 Example: Kim, J. (2018). The effects of social media on mental health. Master's thesis, University of California.

Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be submitted online through our website.
  • Authors should provide a cover letter stating the title of the manuscript, the authors’ names, and a brief summary of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word or LaTeX format.

Peer Review Process

  • Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
  • Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, significance, methodology, and clarity.
  • Authors will be notified of the review results within 2-4 weeks.


  • Accepted manuscripts will be published online .
  • Authors will receive a proof copy of their manuscript before publication.
  • Our online publication fee is $399 USD